Are you “RICH”❓ How about “WEALTHY”❓
Will your riches/wealth follow you to the GRAVE❓
Don’t exhault temporal riches and wealth…
Many of you are chasing possessions right now during this Pandemic…
CHECK OUT MY LIST of assuring that your riches/wealth will follow you ⬇️ Don’t ? on this truth…
➡️ If rich in this present world avoid being arrogant
➡️ Don’t put your hope in wealth, which is so uncertain
➡️ Put your hope in the source that supplies the resources to obtain wealth and riches both (temporal and eternal)
➡️ Abide by the command to do good, to be RICH in good deeds
➡️ Be generous and willing to share (in the Fathers Wisdom)
Where does life began and end❓
ℹ Longevity Plan : if you follow this list you will lay up eternal treasures as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that you may take hold of the life that is truly life.